Release Notes

0.10 (2019-07-15)

A bugfix release, refer to PR#28. Thanks Michael Simacek.

0.9 (2019-06-20)

A major bug #23 is fixed by Michael Simacek.

py34 and py35 are removed from tox testenv, meanwhile py37 is added.

There are massive fixes to helper scripts under directory scripts/.

0.8 (2017-09-05)

SPEC file passes package review in Fedora and python-krbcontext is now a new Fedora package. SPEC file is updated according to review feedback from Fedora packager. From this update, python-krbcontext RPMs will be built for current supported Fedora releases as well as epel7.

Use __future__.absolute_import in krbcontext.__init__.

New script for publishing documentation.

0.7 (2017-08-30)

Enhance scripts for making new release, publishing packages to PyPI, and building RPMs in Fedora Copr.

Fix a bug in init_with_keytab that is client_keytab is not used correctly. And also fix tests to use assert_has_calls correctly.

0.6 (2017-08-27)

This is a quick and small release after version 0.5 by fixing a bug of reading package distribution metadata.

0.5 (2017-08-27)

Add new target distcheck into Makefile. This is used for checking whether there is any problems that would block making a new release.

Add script to make it super easy to prepare a new release, just run make release and all artifacts will be created properly and placed in a dedicated directory named release at the root directory of project.

0.4 (2017-08-26)

Migrate to python-gssapi. python-krbV is no longer used.

krbcontext is compatible with Python 3.

0.3.3 (legacy)

0.3.3 is a legacy version, any new programs should use versions > 0.3.3.